Sunday, February 25, 2007

All to common occurance...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Joys of the city

In the past few days I've had two experiences that truly only come with living in the city

First, On my way to a show friday night, the red line caught fire...We were still underground and the whole tunnel was full of smoke. The funny part was the difference between the tourist and the locals. As soon as the doors opened the tourists bolted for the stairs. The rest of us stayed on the train for a minute, then stepped off to get a better look...haha

Second, on my way to class day I got bushwhacked by a fiendish puddle... I was stepping off the curb into what looked like a pile of snow. Well as soon as my foot hit I broke right through the snow into a puddle about 8" deep. Needless to say my shoes, socks, and feet were very cold and wet the rest of the day.

Now I'm of to enjoy my 4 day weekend!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Pressing Issue

Everyone needs to go out and buy the new Norah Jones CD...don't itunes it...don't do that to yourself....go buy the actual cd and revel in it's sonic goodness