Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Frisbee hapiness!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cuss words

Million Dollar Baby
I love this movie and completely hate it!! Every time I watch it I always think that THIS TIME, she's not going to break her neck, THIS TIME shes gonna kick the crap out of the other girl. But nooooo....every time it is the same thing. How like life....

I swear this movie is like a chick flick for guys.

"and then he walked out...I dont think He had anything left"

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Save the rainforest!!

Conversation with Michelle ad lib

I also took 7 rolls of toilet paper from camp
Brennan: 7 Rolls? just in case?
Michelle: nope 'cause I hate buying it
Brennan any reason in praticular?
Michelle: it's stupid.
Michelle you can only use it once
Brennan: haha oh wow
Michelle annnndddd girls use twice as much as boys

And this is why we get along!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Conversations with a liberal

[14:37] Jen Wilson: What?
[15:48] burning4god03: in good conscience, can a vegetarian feed her dog dog food?
[15:48] Jen Wilson: Dog food doesn't have meat in it.
[15:49] burning4god03: oh yes it does
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Unless you buy dog food with meat in it.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Not all of it.
[15:49] burning4god03: almost all dog food does
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Operative word being almost.
[15:49] burning4god03: right,
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Although I don't see why a vegetarian couldn't feed her dog dog food.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: I mean, she probably still makes meat for her family if they choose to eat it.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Even as a vegetarian I cook meat for my friends and family
[15:49] burning4god03: and there in lies the moral deliema
[15:49] burning4god03: your a vegetarian?
[15:49] Jen Wilson: And dogs have to eat meat or they're unhealthy.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Yes, you knew that.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Well, I was.
[15:50] Jen Wilson: Now I'm just an elitist.
[15:50] burning4god03: como se what?
[15:50] Jen Wilson: Elitist... elite... I only eat high quality, special meat.
[15:50] burning4god03: you only eat meat bred as a superior race
[15:50] Jen Wilson: That has been fed an all vegetarian diet, no steroids, etc.
[15:50] burning4god03: basically organic right
[15:50] Jen Wilson: RIght.
[15:51] burning4god03: we can be friends
[15:51] Jen Wilson: lol
[15:51] burning4god03: i try and do that to
[15:51] burning4god03: it taste better
[15:51] Jen Wilson: It does.
[15:51] Jen Wilson: And it's sooooo much more healthy.
[15:51] burning4god03: but ok, say you were hard core anti cruelty, anti animal killing etc
[15:51] burning4god03: yea it is!
[15:51] Jen Wilson: I am.
[15:52] burning4god03: ok, so if a dog must eat meat to survive, and dog food has "bad meat" in it, can a person feed it to their dog
[15:52] burning4god03: cause one one hand, animals are being killed if you feed your dog
[15:52] burning4god03: and on the other, if you dont feed your dog the food, its going to die
[15:53] Jen Wilson: If a person is that fanatic about animal rights, they'd go to a place like the Co-Op in Boulder and buy organic, natural dog food.
[15:53] Jen Wilson: It's not hard to get good stuff for animals.
[15:53] Jen Wilson: Pharmica in Boulder is another organic supermarket.
[15:53] burning4god03: so does natural dog food have like mt lions and other natrual prey to the wild dog?
[15:54] Jen Wilson: haha mtn lions aren't natural prey to any dog.
[15:54] burning4god03: which in that case, whose going out and hunting these animals
[15:54] Jen Wilson: Hunters, I imagine.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: But I'm sure they come from free-range cattle herds.
[15:54] burning4god03: but thats killing a wild animal! haven't you seen Bambi!
[15:54] Jen Wilson: They're not wild animals.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: It's still beef.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: Cattle aren't wild, even if they're free range.
[15:55] burning4god03: i don't think I've ever seen a pack of dogs hunt down a cow
[15:55] Jen Wilson: I never said anything about what they eat.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: And dogs aren't wild. They're domestic.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: Stray dogs that become wild normally eat out of trash cans.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: Wolves eat deer, yes, but people don't own wolves.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: And those that do feed them raw beef.
[15:56] burning4god03: but domestic dogs were once wolves
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Once, yea.
[15:56] burning4god03: before we humans took them into bondage and made them our pets!
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Yes.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Well done.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: And what's done can't be undone.
[15:56] burning4god03: we're bastards jen!
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Yea.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: For a lot more reasons than that.
[15:57] burning4god03: yea, dont even get me going on teflon!
if you were that fanatical about animals, then i would make fun of you a little bit
[15:57] Jen Wilson: DAMN it...! My thumb is bleeding
[15:58] burning4god03: look out for a pack of domestic wolves, they'll eat you
[15:58] Jen Wilson: haha
[15:58] Jen Wilson: It huuuuuurts

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thats the way uh huh

So I should probably have something clever and witty to write...but I got nothing other than this...

I "woke up" this morning and for some reason was hungry. I was like "hmm...what shall I eat? Oh I know the Spicy italian sausage I cooked for dinner a mere 8 hours ago. " So I ate it.

4 hours later, the sausage was not a good idea. lets just say there was pain.
