Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Long Overdue Update

So it's been like a month..I'm a slacker I know. So here is my break in a nutshell

First week back was the gig in broomfield. Considering I lost 2 days because of the blizzard things went well. I put in just shy of 90 hours in 6 days and didn't get home til 5am Christmas morning. Such is the life.... The technical side of the show was incredible, however the musical side was somewhat "lacking," they didn't know their music. Here's a few pictures

Yea, so that was fun. The week after Christmas was spent getting ready for the High School NYE Lock-in. Then came lock-in. we had double the kids we were expecting and were almost overwhelmed, but it was a blast!!
After we recovered it was time for Jason and Elizabeth to move. It was a sad day, but they're in a better place now (aka...only 2 hours from me!) The rest of my break was spent hanging out with friends, working a little at Life Bridge, and generous amounts of time in the hot tub.

And now I'm back in Chicago and life is good, classes start Monday and I'm quite excited about that!

And last but not least, and the bestest (yes it's a word) news of all is that I'll soon be working for Willow Creek. I'll be handling a large chunk of their tech needs for services, ordering new gear, maintenance, and anything else that needs to be done. We're still working out the details and my exact responsibilities. The hours are rather flexible and I "have to" go to the main campus a couple times a month...oh darn!

Well I must go and have a real life now.