[14:37] Jen Wilson: What?
[15:48] burning4god03: in good conscience, can a vegetarian feed her dog dog food?
[15:48] Jen Wilson: Dog food doesn't have meat in it.
[15:49] burning4god03: oh yes it does
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Unless you buy dog food with meat in it.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Not all of it.
[15:49] burning4god03: almost all dog food does
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Operative word being almost.
[15:49] burning4god03: right,
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Although I don't see why a vegetarian couldn't feed her dog dog food.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: I mean, she probably still makes meat for her family if they choose to eat it.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Even as a vegetarian I cook meat for my friends and family
[15:49] burning4god03: and there in lies the moral deliema
[15:49] burning4god03: your a vegetarian?
[15:49] Jen Wilson: And dogs have to eat meat or they're unhealthy.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Yes, you knew that.
[15:49] Jen Wilson: Well, I was.
[15:50] Jen Wilson: Now I'm just an elitist.
[15:50] burning4god03: como se what?
[15:50] Jen Wilson: Elitist... elite... I only eat high quality, special meat.
[15:50] burning4god03: you only eat meat bred as a superior race
[15:50] Jen Wilson: That has been fed an all vegetarian diet, no steroids, etc.
[15:50] burning4god03: basically organic right
[15:50] Jen Wilson: RIght.
[15:51] burning4god03: we can be friends
[15:51] Jen Wilson: lol
[15:51] burning4god03: i try and do that to
[15:51] burning4god03: it taste better
[15:51] Jen Wilson: It does.
[15:51] Jen Wilson: And it's sooooo much more healthy.
[15:51] burning4god03: but ok, say you were hard core anti cruelty, anti animal killing etc
[15:51] burning4god03: yea it is!
[15:51] Jen Wilson: I am.
[15:52] burning4god03: ok, so if a dog must eat meat to survive, and dog food has "bad meat" in it, can a person feed it to their dog
[15:52] burning4god03: cause one one hand, animals are being killed if you feed your dog
[15:52] burning4god03: and on the other, if you dont feed your dog the food, its going to die
[15:53] Jen Wilson: If a person is that fanatic about animal rights, they'd go to a place like the Co-Op in Boulder and buy organic, natural dog food.
[15:53] Jen Wilson: It's not hard to get good stuff for animals.
[15:53] Jen Wilson: Pharmica in Boulder is another organic supermarket.
[15:53] burning4god03: so does natural dog food have like mt lions and other natrual prey to the wild dog?
[15:54] Jen Wilson: haha mtn lions aren't natural prey to any dog.
[15:54] burning4god03: which in that case, whose going out and hunting these animals
[15:54] Jen Wilson: Hunters, I imagine.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: But I'm sure they come from free-range cattle herds.
[15:54] burning4god03: but thats killing a wild animal! haven't you seen Bambi!
[15:54] Jen Wilson: They're not wild animals.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: It's still beef.
[15:54] Jen Wilson: Cattle aren't wild, even if they're free range.
[15:55] burning4god03: i don't think I've ever seen a pack of dogs hunt down a cow
[15:55] Jen Wilson: I never said anything about what they eat.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: And dogs aren't wild. They're domestic.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: Stray dogs that become wild normally eat out of trash cans.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: Wolves eat deer, yes, but people don't own wolves.
[15:55] Jen Wilson: And those that do feed them raw beef.
[15:56] burning4god03: but domestic dogs were once wolves
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Once, yea.
[15:56] burning4god03: before we humans took them into bondage and made them our pets!
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Yes.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Well done.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: And what's done can't be undone.
[15:56] burning4god03: we're bastards jen!
[15:56] Jen Wilson: Yea.
[15:56] Jen Wilson: For a lot more reasons than that.
[15:57] burning4god03: yea, dont even get me going on teflon!
if you were that fanatical about animals, then i would make fun of you a little bit
[15:57] Jen Wilson: DAMN it...! My thumb is bleeding
[15:58] burning4god03: look out for a pack of domestic wolves, they'll eat you
[15:58] Jen Wilson: haha
[15:58] Jen Wilson: It huuuuuurts